Our Services:
EVENT JUMP OFFS: Start of your Seminar, Retreat, Workshop or any event with a bang! We guarantee your attendees will be smiling, energized, excitedly invigorated and ready to learn
TRAINING WORKSHOPS & SEMINARS: From a simple 1-3 hour long interactive lecture with audience participation to a week long retreat or monthly/quarterly corporate programs. We can work with you and your team to customize and personalize any program.
PROFESSIONAL COACHING: Skilled in enhancing ones ability to free themselves from negative thinking. We will work to give you the tools and exercises that will help you truly remain in the present. Presentation skills, interpersonal skills, confidence building, support, encouragement and if needed, hand holding...as long as your nails are manicured.
CEO COMEDY CRASH COURSETM: We can help you deliver your message in a more humorous, fun creative and maybe even funny way. By taking out of the stuffy, institutional, overly professional, bossy, arrogant, cocky, technical, teacher-like ways of many whom are "IN CHARGE". We can not guarantee you will kill on the stage, but we can guarantee you will have a better chance at applause breaks and laughter.
KEYNOTE ADDRESSES: We deliver interactive lectures based on Being in the moment, Humor, Improvisation in Business, Storytelling, Bullying and more. We can customize any speaking engagement to fit most needs.
INJECTING HUMOR: We can help you mine and reveal the humor in any project, presentation, standard sales pitch, anything you believe needs a punch up...no seriously...go ahead...try us!
LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT: Whether its One on One or in a group environment, we can and will help your executive team find new innovative ways to inspire and appreciate their workforce to work together cohesively and more effectively.
MANAGING CHANGE: Change can be difficult for anyone; individually and/or within an organization. The uncertainty of it all can lead to issues and problems that could end up costing you quite a bit of UN-necessary expenditures. Whether its the loss of friends through a company downsizing, or the addition of or merging of new members, this program will assist in diluting tension, anxiety and stress.
DEVELOPING CONTENT: If you have an idea and don’t know how to implement it, We can help.
EVENT / PARTY ANIMATORS: We can inject some buzz, by strategically inserting improvisers to blend in at any event. These imposters can and will stir the pot, infuse energy, create conflict (the good healthy kind) and much more.